Valerie Warrington

Valerie Warrington, Treasurer
Valerie Warrington grew up in Newberry County with her parents and brother. She has been legally blind since birth. Growing up blind in a small town had its own challenges, but Valerie continued to focus on her academics and graduated with honors from Mid-Carolina High School.
Valerie learned of the Federation from Ed Bible while attending the Summer Teen Program at the SC Commission for the Blind. Since there was no NFB of SC Chapter in Newberry, she helped to organize one. In her senior year of high school, she was elected president of the Newberry Chapter. After high school, Valerie continued her involvement in the Federation. She was elected to the State Board and Treasurer of the Student Division.
Valerie attended Clemson University where she received her Bachelor’s in Accounting. She later obtained her Master’s in Accounting and Information Technology from the University of Maryland Global Campus to set herself apart from others in the accounting profession. Valerie worked hard to become a Certified Public Accountant. She is the only blind CPA in South Carolina and is one of only a few blind persons in the nation to hold this designation.
Valerie began her accounting career in the manufacturing industry, then moved into public accounting, and later to SCANA Services. During her career, she published business articles and PowerPoint training tutorials and was a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors.
In 2001, she married her husband Larry whom she had been friends with for many years. In 2013 when she and Larry adopted their daughter, Alivia, Valerie accepted a position that allowed her to work remotely during audit season with Price-Waterhouse. She tutored accounting students at various universities the remainder of the year. After one year, she became the lead accounting instructor for the website and maintained a 5-star rating during her employment.
When Alivia began school, Valerie went to work with the State Treasurer's Office. In 2022, she worked briefly with the NFB of SC's Successful Transitions program before joining our National Office in September of 2022 as head of Affiliate Finance. Valerie recently became a QuickBooks Certified Pro-advisor and she is teaching the software to other affiliate leaders.
Valerie continues her involvement in the Federation by serving on various committees and in leadership roles. She currently serves as treasurer for the NFB of SC, Rocky Bottom, and the Computer Science and Technology Division. Also, she continues to serve as president of the Newberry Chapter and is a member of the Federation Center Board. For many years she served as Chair of the Resolutions Committee. She filed the Midlands Gives Campaign registration for the last 6 years for both Rocky Bottom and the NFB of SC. In 2009, she worked to find a way to Stream our State Convention for the first time and has assisted with the streaming every year since. Valerie has also received the Donald C. Capps Award for her work in the Federation.
To Valerie, the NFB of SC is more than an organization, it's family. When she attended her first State Convention in 1990, she was not only encouraged by the organization’s efforts and philosophy, she was impressed with the people. She made many friendships and gained confidence to grow academically and professionally. Valerie attended every State Convention since 1990 except for last year when her grandmother passed away the day before convention. She also attended several National Conventions and serves on National Sun Shares Committee.
When Valerie is not busy with Federation activities, she enjoys spending time with her family. She and Alivia often make crafts using pottery and try new recipes in the kitchen. Valerie is an active member of her church and helps with Alivia's Girls Scout Troup. She and her family loves traveling and spending time outdoors.
(803) 321-1979